It's done, finished, complete-but not quite right. So I finished my last WIP and I am very disappointed in myself. I hit one part in the directions that I simply could not figure out. I read it, reread it and still couldn't get. So I ended up doing my version of the purse. Don't get me wrong it's still okay, but that was not my goal, my goal was to make view A. I think one of my problems was using the wrong size handles. Mine were about an inch bigger. I have some of that fabric left, so I don't know what I'll do with the rest. I may try another vie

w off the same pattern. Here it is...
I went to Jo-Anns and found some patterns to add to the stash. I have a lot of patterns for purses, hats, etc., but not for clothing. So I went for basics that way when I reach the level of my inspirations, and , I will be able to switch it up a bit by changing necklines and buttonholes for example. I also have this book in my collection. It's an older book, but I like looking at for techniques that I would LOVE to try.

It's called "Make it Your Own, Personalizing Patterns for Creative Design" by Lori Bottom and Ronda Chaney.
Next WIPs- a hat from some fabric that my Mom gave me and this lovely number, as inspired from the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada". Hope these turn out better.....